Leading Business Connectivity.
How to cancel any or all of your Frontier Network’s services
We’re sorry to hear you’re considering cancelling your Frontier Network’s (Frontier) services. Our goal is to exceed expectations by providing you the best products and services. Give us a call so we can sort things out.
What is the process for cancelling any service with Service with Frontier?
Our customer service agents are standing by at 1.866.833.2323 and dial extension #3 for Billing. They will assist you with your cancellation needs and will provide you with instructions on how to do so.
Why you need to contact us
We need to speak with you in order to process your cancellation request and ensure you are informed of any details relating to your account changes. It is important that you read the Master Services Agreement that we have entered into together when we first established your services. If there is a term associated with this agreement you may be subject to final termination charges of the total number of remaining months of your agreement. You can find this HERE.
Do you want to email us?
You are welcome to email us at [email protected] to submit your cancellation. Prior to doing so, It is important that you read the Master Services Agreement that we have entered into together when we first established your services. If there is a term associated with this agreement you may be subject to final termination charges of the total number of remaining months of your agreement. You can find this HERE.
Have you changed your mind about a recent cancellation?
Simply contact one of our advisors at 1.866.833.2323 and dial extension #3 for Billing, and they’ll help you switch back to Frontier.