- Progress in Preventing or Removing Barriers in Employment
- Workspaces
- Retail Stores
- External ICT
- Internal ICT
- Progress in Preventing or Removing Barriers in Communication, other than ICT
- Progress in Preventing or Removing Barriers in Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities
- Progress in Preventing or Removing Barriers in Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
Frontier Networks Inc. has been providing Canadians with communication services for many years. We have grown from a modest provider to a national telecommunications company offering high-speed internet, TV, phone, data services, security, and smart home solutions to residential, business, and public sector clients across several provinces. Our dedicated team members share a commitment to excellence and innovation in all that we do, ensuring our customers and employees stay connected.
We are dedicated to improving accessibility across all aspects of our organization, striving for an equitable and inclusive environment. Developing and publishing our Accessibility Plan was the first step in our journey to identify and remove barriers within our organization.
This Progress Report outlines the updates on the action items identified in our Accessibility Plan, guided by the Accessible Canada Act, focusing on the following priority areas:
- Employment
- The Built Environment
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Communication, other than ICT
- Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities
- Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
The Director of Customer Experience and Continuous Improvement leads our Accessibility Team, receives all feedback, builds action plans to address feedback, and updates Frontier Networks Inc.’s Accessibility Plan and Progress Reports. To provide feedback, request accessible versions of our Accessibility Plan and Progress Reports, or receive a description of our feedback mechanism, please contact us:
- Email:
- Phone: 416-847-5240
- Online:
- Mail: Accessibility Frontier Networks Inc. 530 Kipling Avenue Toronto, Ontario M8Z 5E3
Over the past year, Frontier Networks Inc. engaged persons with disabilities, advocacy organizations, and employees to understand the progress made and the existing barriers regarding accessibility.
Our Accessibility Team conducted virtual and in-person meetings with employees to provide information on the Accessible Canada Act, our internal Accessibility Team, and our feedback mechanisms. We shared the results of our consultations and employee survey, along with the actions we are taking to improve accessibility.
In February 2024, we conducted an anonymous employee survey to gather feedback on our progress in implementing the Accessibility Plan and to identify any remaining accessibility barriers. Alternative formats or ways of providing feedback were available upon request.
The survey results, with responses from 864 employees, indicated that Employment and the Built Environment are priority areas needing improvement. We also learned that there are opportunities to enhance communication and awareness of our accessibility progress and options for employees.
In November 2023, we participated in virtual consultations facilitated by the Canadian Telecommunications Association with disability organizations and individuals with accessibility needs to identify barriers in accessing our mobile services. These sessions were held in English and French with simultaneous interpretation, ASL/LSQ interpretation, and CART services.
Throughout the year, we reached out to various disability organizations for feedback on our Accessibility Plan progress. Informal discussions with certain groups helped create awareness of our Accessibility Plan and identify further opportunities to promote our accessibility service offerings.
Frontier Networks Inc. welcomes feedback on accessibility from our employees and the public via email, phone, online, and mail as outlined above. The Director of Customer Experience and Continuous Improvement handles all feedback.
Since the launch of our Accessibility Plan, we have received 42 accessibility-related submissions. Each submission is responded to through the same channel it was received or as requested.
Most feedback involved inquiries about our accessibility discount and services for persons with disabilities. We also received feedback on billing, closed captioning, video relay services, screen reader issues, and seating at retail locations.
As many inquiries focused on our accessibility services, there are opportunities to increase awareness and visibility of our offerings. This feedback will guide us in developing strategies to address this barrier.
We are committed to maintaining an inclusive workplace where all employees can thrive. Our Accessibility Plan highlighted the need to increase awareness and education about support tools and accommodations for employees with accessibility needs. Over the past year, we have taken steps to enhance accessibility awareness and engage employees in identifying and reducing barriers.
Progress in Preventing or Removing Barriers in Employment
- Created an Accessibility page on our internal website with links to the Accessible Canada Act, our Accessibility Plan, Employee and Family Assistance Program, online courses, and tools for employees.
- Developed a Leader guide with FAQs on equitable hiring practices focusing on Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility.
- Developed a Team Member guide to highlight our commitment to removing barriers in internal hiring.
- Conducted intake meetings with hiring managers to discuss role requirements and potential accommodations.
- Attended seminars and job fairs focused on employment for persons with accessibility needs and partnered with community organizations supporting individuals with accessibility needs.
- Reassessed our hiring and onboarding processes based on feedback from our Employment Equity Committee, employee surveys, and industry consultations. Updates to recruitment processes now include opportunities for candidates to request assistance or accommodations.
Our employees identified the Built Environment as a critical area for accessibility improvements. Frontier Networks Inc. is committed to reducing barriers in our physical spaces for customers and employees. Our Accessibility Plan identified barriers in both workspaces and retail spaces, and we have incorporated accessibility needs into new and existing environments.
Our workspaces are designed to support various business functions across the country and include offices and community TV stations. Barriers identified include inaccessible entrances, washrooms, parking lots, boardrooms, and common areas.
Progress in Preventing or Removing Barriers in Workspaces
- Met with building stakeholders to discuss and prioritize updates for incorporating accessibility needs.
- Updated several boardrooms to ensure ample space for mobility, added advanced video conferencing technology, and improved lighting options.
- Replaced chairs with ergonomic models and increased spacing between workstations.
- Modified parking lot signage to create larger spaces for accessibility needs, added additional accessible parking spots, and marked individual spots clearly.
- Renovated elevators with the latest technology to assist hearing and visually impaired individuals, including Braille buttons and floor announcements.
Retail Stores
We currently do not offer Retail Locations.
We are committed to ensuring that our ICT is accessible for all customers and employees. Our Accessibility Plan identified barriers in both internal and external ICT. We have worked to enhance the accessibility of the tools we use for information and communication.
External ICT
Our external ICT includes communication methods like our website, online chat, email, electronic documents, telephone, and text messaging. Identified barriers include difficult website navigation and complex phone systems.
Progress in Preventing or Removing Barriers in External ICT
- Launched a new, more accessible bill management tool with features like larger fonts, user-friendly navigation, simplified payment management, and direct links to support content.
- Began reviewing our public website to improve navigation.
- Improved our online chat function to support self-service for balance inquiries and appointment details.
- Enhanced the accessibility of our mobile services account management tool.
Internal ICT
Employees use internal platforms like intranets and Microsoft tools for communication. Identified barriers include lack of awareness of accessibility options and difficulty navigating complex systems.
Progress in Preventing or Removing Barriers in Internal ICT
- Added informative videos on accessibility options available in our software to our internal Accessibility webpage.
We aim to ensure all forms of communication are accessible, including interactions in our retail stores and customer support. Our Accessibility Plan identified barriers in communication with persons with disabilities, emphasizing the need for flexibility, education, and awareness.
Progress in Preventing or Removing Barriers in Communication, other than ICT
- Provided mandatory accessibility training for all employees, including courses on accessible customer service and communication.
As we continue to procure a wide range of technology and software, it is essential to incorporate accessibility needs into our processes. Our Accessibility Plan identified potential barriers in our current procurement processes, necessitating further review.
Progress in Preventing or Removing Barriers in Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities
- Initiated a review of our procurement processes to identify and ensure accessibility requirements are included.
We strive to make our services accessible to all Canadians. Our Accessibility Plan identified a lack of awareness of our accessibility products and offerings as a barrier.
Progress in Preventing or Removing Barriers in Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
- Regularly communicated with frontline agents about accessibility discount plans, features, and services.
- Relocated information about our accessibility mobile rate discount to a more prominent location on our website.
Frontier Networks Inc. does not offer transportation services and therefore has nothing to report in this area.
We comply with all regulatory requirements under the Broadcasting Act and Telecommunications Act related to accessibility. These requirements are current as of June 1, 2024.